Finalists And Popular Vote Results 2021
Congratulations to the winner of the 2021 Breakthrough Junior Challenge – Amber Kwok, 2021 Space Exploration Champion – Gornekk Suwattanapong and the 2021 Finalists, who created the top-scoring videos from this year’s competition.
Amber Kwok: 2021 Winner

Van der Waals and Casimir Forces
Amber Kwok, 18, Mauritius
Gornekk Suwattanapong: 2021 Space Exploration Champion

What Do Black Holes Have to do with Time Travel?
Gornekk Suwattanapong, 17, Thailand
2021 Finalists And Popular Vote Top Scorers

Bose Einstein Condensates: The Fifth State of Matter
Vicente Farid Chomali Castro, 17, Chile

What Do Black Holes Have to do with Time Travel?
Gornekk Suwattanapong, 17, Thailand

What is Time Dilation?
Ben Barnes, 18, USA

Can Trees Communicate?
Ava Skye Barton, 16, USA

Gravitational Waves: The Invisible Key to Unlocking Our Universe
Francine Oren T. Fabricante, 18, Philippines

Quantum Tunneling
Ellen Jannereth, 18, USA

The Shape of the Universe
Ari Katz, 18, USA

The Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation
Eojin Kim, 18, Republic of Korea

The Physics of the Alcubierre Warp Drive
Holden Liu, 16, Canada

Electric Propulsion: Small Push, Giant Leap
Siddhant Makkar, 18, USA

Hacking Inheritance: Gene Drives Explained
Wangari Mbuthia, 18, South Africa

What is the Theory of Everything?
Faith Nguyen, 17, USA

Cosmic Microwave Background: Our Invisible Past
Michael Nixon, 18, Australia

Brain City and the Protein Roadblocks
Lydia Taylor, 18, USA

You Are Part Virus: Human Endogenous Retroviruses
Amogh Thakkar, 18, USA
2021 Popular Vote Regional Champions

Bose Einstein Condensates: The Fifth State of Matter
Vicente Farid Chomali Castro, 17, Chile

Pharmacokinetics & Bioavailability
Abhay Gupta, 16, India

The Physics of the Alcubierre Warp Drive
Holden Liu, 16, Canada

Hacking Inheritance: Gene Drives Explained
Wangari Mbuthia, 18, South Africa

Cosmic Microwave Background: Our Invisible Past
Michael Nixon, 18, Australia

How COVID-19 PCR Testing Works
Evan Ritson, 17, Spain

What Do Black Holes Have to do with Time Travel?
Gornekk Suwattanapong, 17, Thailand